2024 WRC Safari Rally Ready for Take Off! CS Ababu Kicks Off Countdown

2024 WRC Safari Rally Ready for Take Off! CS Ababu Kicks Off Countdown

Cabinet Secretary for Youth Affairs, Sports and Arts, Ababu Namwamba on Thursday kicked off the countdown to the World Rally Championship (WRC) 2024 at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre grounds in Nairobi, expressing confidence that Kenya will deliver a successful, fun-filled and safe event.

The popular race is scheduled to run from Thursday, March 28, to Sunday, March 31. The CS announced that President William Ruto will flag off the Safari rally at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre.

After the flag-off, the motorcade will proceed to Kasarani National Stadium for a short exhibition, and then to the Service Park in Naivasha for the main event. The event will then conclude at Hells Gate, where the rally is set to end.

“We are now third in the series after rally Monte Carlo that opens and Rally Sweden, which is second in the rally log,” said Namwamba.

“The Safari Rally had been in the shadows of the WRC calendar close to 19 years, but  we have now managed to sprout it  back. The rally being one of the 13 rounds and the only round on African soil, brings the country much pride and honor as the host,” added the CS.

Namwamba applauded Nakuru County Governor Susan Kihika and her team for their support in organizing the rally, noting that the event has provided opportunities for youth to generate income through socio-economic activities, including providing services, trade, and content creation.

Countdown Recce..#EasterNaRally

Twende Vasha

WRC Route Recce pic.twitter.com/byidgPu6SH

— Hon Ababu-Namwamba, EGH🇰🇪 (@AbabuNamwamba) March 21, 2024

Accompanying Mr. Namwamba to the event, the WRC Safari Rally Chief Executive Officer, Charles Gacheru, reassured Kenyans that the pictures circulating online of large gullies forming on the rally route had been taken care of.

“I have seen pictures circulating of very big gullies at Hells Gate and Geothermal. This is normal as it is only the loose soil getting washed away by the floods. We engaged the National Youth Service and they have done a great job for us there,” he said.

Gacheru also informed members of the press that all accreditation of marshals, media staff, and rally staff was ongoing on an online platform called Eventos, provided and certified by the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile.

“Media and security personnel who want to participate in the Safari rally must be accredited by the Eventos online platform. You have to upload a picture and be accredited by a national press officer.”

He added that all members of the public who wish to join the rally must review the spectator guide online for more information.

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