3 decades after exile, Marcos welcomed back to Washington

3 decades after exile, Marcos welcomed back to Washington

3 decades after exile, Marcos welcomed back to Washington

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. now sees an ‘upside’ to the long and storied relationship of Manila and Washington

WASHINGTON DC, USA – Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., son and namesake of the late dictator, returns to the United States for his second visit in less than a year. This time, the itinerary includes the White House and the Pentagon.

More than three decades ago, it was also to the US where the Marcos family fled following the EDSA People Power Revolution.

Marcos now sees an “upside” to the long and storied relationship of Manila and Washington.

We walk you through what happened during Marcos’ five-day visit to the US capital, the defense deals made, and why this alliance matters for both countries. – Rappler.com

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