Custom Shipping Tape from Phoenix Tape & Supply

Custom Shipping Tape from Phoenix Tape & Supply

Oradell, NJ — (ReleaseWire) — 11/04/2022 –Phoenix Tape & Supply, with more than 35 years of experience in helping businesses reinforce their brands with high-quality materials, offers custom shipping tape for businesses of all kinds. From adding the business name, website, phone number, or even a QR code, custom shipping tape will not only help to promote and reinforce the brand, but it will be the right kind of custom shipping tape for the shipments that they make. Clients need to seal up the boxes they ship anyway, why not have a custom shipping tape that immediately is recognized as coming from them?

When people need shipping tape, they will likely end up getting some sort of polypropylene tape with hot melt adhesive and made specifically for applying to cardboard boxes. It is a very common tape that does a great job, and comes in 3 different strengths/thickness. Polypropylene custom shipping tape is economical as it tends to be less expensive, and it also has the advantage of usually resulting in a better outcome when you use it for cardboard boxes.

Polypropylene shipping tape is typically a bit thinner than PVC tape, which makes it ideal for lighter weight packages. Even if the box is larger in size, it is the weight of the full box that matters. Polypropylene shipping tape is one of the most common options when it comes to custom shipping tape because it is economical while still providing quality sealing of boxes and other packages.

PVC shipping tape is usually a bit thicker than polypropylene, can handle securing very heavy packages and can be used on a wider variety of materials than polypropylene. PVC shipping tape is less stretchy when compared to polypropylene, comes with a natural rubber adhesive and is much more resistant to tears and punctures as well. PVC shipping tape typically is quieter as well when being used where the polypropylene shipping tape will make much more noise when pulled off the roll.

When clients are looking for the right solution for their custom shipping tape, the team at Phoenix Tape & Supply will provide them with all of the details on the different shipping tape options. Custom shipping tape will help to reinforce the brand, provide a website and other contact information, and generally help to elevate the business without breaking the bank.

Phoenix Tape & Supply is ready to provide their expertise for any business and supply them with their own custom shipping tape and will also include free shipping on customer orders.

About Phoenix Tape & Supply

Phoenix Tape & Supply provides affordable custom shipping tape to all-sized companies throughout their vast service area. They serve customers in a diverse range of industries, including e-commerce, automotive, distribution, electronics, and manufacturing. This inclusive business model allows them to accommodate orders as small as one case for small businesses to larger skid quantities for large-scale factories. Learn more at

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