Govt working to locate missing cargo ship, says minister

Govt working to locate missing cargo ship, says minister

Updated 1 hour ago ·
Published on 23 Mar 2023 4:00PM ·

Transport Minister Anthony Loke says security agencies are working hard to locate Malaysian-registered cargo ship MV Dai Cat 06, which was reported missing in January. – Facebook pic, March 23, 2023.

TRANSPORT Minister Anthony Loke has dismissed claims that the government neglected the search-and-rescue (SAR) operation to locate a Malaysian-registered cargo ship, MV Dai Cat 06, which was reported missing in January.

He said the country’s security agencies are working hard to locate the vessel.

“There is no issue regarding cost in the SAR operation (as) this is human life. We don’t look at the cost.

“However, the ship was reported missing in Indonesian waters, so SAR operations are under the Indonesian authorities,” he said in response to a supplementary question from Madius Tangau (Tuaran-PH) on the government’s efforts to locate the missing ship during the question-and-answer session in the Dewan Rakyat today.

Loke said he had instructed the Marine Department to conduct serious monitoring and ensure that the SAR mission to locate the ship will continue with the Indonesian authorities.

“Wisma Putra has been in contact with the authorities in Indonesia,” he said.

“Furthermore, the SAR operation is under the purview of Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency while the Marine Department is always in contact and working with MMEA to ensure that the operation continues.”

He said based on ship movement monitored by the Marine Department through the Automatic Identification System (AIS), MV Dai Cat 06 was recorded to be sailing out of Lumut on December 23 last year and anchored in the waters of Sungai Besar on December 26-28 for main engine and anchor system maintenance.

The vessel was also detected to have switched off the AIS system on December 25 and Dec 29-30.

Loke said the last position of the ship detected through AIS monitoring was on January 1, which was in sector 9 of the Traffic Separation Scheme around Pulau Mungging, Johor.

“However, the last position received through the Emergency Position Indicator Radio Beacon from MMEA, the ship was in Indonesian waters,” he said.

On January 9, a cargo ship carrying pipes worth RM726,205 along with five crew members was believed to have disappeared in Indonesian waters and a report regarding the incident was lodged by the ship’s agent on the same day. – Bernama, March 23, 2023.

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