‘My daughter was terrified of her ex

‘My daughter was terrified of her ex

The mother of a young mum whose ex-partner brutally murdered her before dumping her body in a layby is demanding more be done to protect victims of domestic abuse.

Carpet-fitter Darren Hall, 36, murdered Sarah Henshaw, 31, at her home before dumping her body miles away in an isolated layby. He was also seen disposing of her belongings including her dressing gown and her slippers in a skip.

Sarah’s devastated mother, Lorraine, 51, has spoken for the first time of her loss, revealing Sarah had tried several times to end the relationship, but could not escape Hall completely. Mum of six, Lorraine, from Derbyshire, says: “Sarah had finished with him once, but he wormed his way back into her life when she was vulnerable and grieving for her granddad. I begged her to leave him, but it was hard for her. He wouldn’t leave her alone.

“I hope now Sarah’s legacy can be for greater support for victims of domestic abuse. We need more resources, and more action, to save the lives of women killed by their partners. Sarah was frightened of Hall, he had attacked her before, and he stalked her before her death.

“She needed trained domestic violence support, outside the family, to step and in and help her. It’s not enough to say: ‘go to the police’. It just is not that easy. So many women live in fear of the repercussions of making a complaint. And besides, Hall took no notice of authority. He did as he pleased. Sarah needed a well-thought-out approach, and proper support, to help her and her children to start a new life.

“Instead, she suffered the most horrific death and we are left to pick up the pieces. She was a wonderful mum and daughter and we miss her so much.”

Sarah was described as a wonderful mum and daughter



Mum Lorraine says Sarah tried to escape Hall several times



Sarah was the eldest of Lorraine’s six children and came from a close-knit family. Lorraine says: “Sarah was really well-behaved and quiet as a little girl, she was sporty and loved swimming. She liked clothes and fashion and studied hair and beauty at college.”

Sarah went on to work as a carer and was promoted to supervisor. Lorraine says: “Sarah had a heart of gold. She helped me out financially quite often. I have health problems, including COPD and arthritis, and she’d always take me for hospital appointments. She’d do anything for anyone.”

In 2012, Sarah brought Darren Hall home to meet Lorraine. By now, she was a single mum with a young daughter. Lorraine says: “He was nice enough, but there was something about him. I couldn’t really put my finger on it. He was very over-confident, arrogant even.

“I didn’t tell Sarah because she clearly was falling in love, and I didn’t want to come between them. But I noticed Hall didn’t like her seeing us, he wanted her all to himself. I felt he was taking her away.”

Sarah had a second daughter four years later. Lorraine says: “By the time Sarah fell pregnant, the relationship was very abusive. Hall shoved her in the stomach one day and she asked me to take her to A and E to check the baby was OK.

The 31-year-old was last seen at around 9pm on June 20


Derbyshire Constabulary / SWNS)

Darren Hall, 36, was jailed for life



“She told the doctors someone had pushed her into her whilst she was shopping. I wanted her to tell the truth, I pleaded with her to get some help. But she felt she should stand by him because she was having his baby.”

The couple eventually split in around 2018 and Lorraine was encouraged by the changes in her daughter. She says: “Sarah coped really well on her own. She looked after her daughters, she worked hard, and she was close to her family. She seemed to be back to her old self.”

In April 2022, Lorraine’s father, David, died from sepsis, aged 71, leaving the family heartbroken. Lorraine says: “His death hit Sarah very hard, my dad was a huge part of her life. I noticed Hall at the funeral, and I couldn’t believe he had the cheek to just turn up, after the way he’d treated Sarah.

‌“But from there, he wormed his way back in. He targeted her when she was vulnerable and grieving, and it started all over again.”

‌The couple resumed their relationship but in December 2022, after they had been to a concert, Hall beat Sarah badly. Lorraine was so horrified she took photos and begged Sarah to report the assault.

In December 2022 Hall beat Sarah badly



Mum Lorraine begged Sarah to report the assault



She says: “Sarah stayed with me for a few days and I pleaded with her to report him. But it wasn’t that simple. Hall had a hold over her and it was very hard for her to stand up to him. He was so arrogant, he’d just walk into my house without even knocking, even after attacking Sarah. He thought he was untouchable.”

‌Sarah ended the relationship soon after, and though she was living in her own home, Hall still had a key. On the night of June 20 2023, he let himself in and refused to leave. Sarah had a friend visiting at the time who confirmed Hall was asked to leave several times and did not do so. Sarah’s friend eventually went home, leaving Hall and Sarah together.

‌Three days later, Lorraine got a call from the local school, saying Sarah had gone missing. She says: “The teacher told me she would alert the police. By the time I got to Sarah’s house the officers were there, the house was empty, even though Sarah’s car was outside.

“There was just no way Sarah would go missing without telling someone. She’d make arrangements. I said immediately Hall had done something to her.”

Hall insisted he had no idea where Sarah was, but in secret he was covering his tracks, disposing of a number of items, including her dressing gown and slippers which officers found in a nearby skip.

Sarah’s body was found in a layby off the M1



Sarah has left behind two young daughters



Five days later, Sarah’s badly decomposed body was found in a layby off the M1. Lorraine says: “I just couldn’t accept she was gone, I still can’t. When the police told me it was a murder inquiry, I was shell-shocked. She must have suffered so much, and then to dump her body shows a complete lack of humanity. He is a monster.”

Darren Hall denied murder when he appeared at Derby Crown Court in December. He admitted dumping Sarah’s body but said that he panicked after she accidentally fell down the stairs during an argument.

Yet officers found no forensic evidence of Sarah falling down the stairs, no injuries consistent with a fall and he gave no credible explanation as to why he did not seek immediate medical help for her.

The jury saw through his lies and, after deliberating for just over four hours, found him guilty of her murder. Hall was sentenced to life in prison and must serve a minimum of 17 years in prison before he can be considered for parole.

Lorraine says: “He ought to be in prison for the rest of his life. He will be young enough to start again when he is released. Sarah will never have a second chance.”

Detective Inspector Maria Pleace, who led the investigation, said: “Sarah was just 31 years old when Darren Hall made the decision to end her life. “Paying tribute to her following her murder her family told of how kind she was and how she would always put others first.

“Sadly, this much-loved young woman had the misfortune to come into Darren Hall’s orbit – not knowing the horrific actions that he was capable of. Hall has never given a true account of his actions that night and, rather than face the reality of what he had done, he did everything in his power to evade justice.

“In killing Sarah, he has devastated her family leaving them mourning the loss of a daughter, niece, sister, and friend. And to compound their loss Hall also stole their last chance to say goodbye to Sarah – his attempts to hide Sarah’s body meant that, heartbreakingly, her family were unable to see her and say a final farewell.

“I hope that today’s sentencing gives Sarah’s family and friends the chance to close this chapter and begin the process of re-building their lives.”

Last year, an estimated 75 women in Britain were killed at home by their partner. They were mums, daughters, grans, sisters and friends. But in the eyes of the law, their murderers don’t deserve the same punishment as a killer in the streets.


1 Longer sentences for domestic abuse killers

Under current laws if a murderer has brought a weapon to a scene with intent to kill, he or she would expect to be jailed for 25 years. However, if you kill someone with a weapon already at the scene the starting point is 15 years. The law should be updated so these domestic violence killers receive 25 years too.

2 Longer sentences for murder by strangulation

A quarter of domestic homicides are by strangulation. The law should be updated so that when someone is fatally strangled the method of killing is regarded as an aggravating factor and carries a longer sentence.

3 Domestic abuse specialists in 999 control rooms

For victims of domestic abuse to be given immediate access to trained specialists in police control rooms, in line with Labour’s pledge.

4 Domestic abusers to face manslaughter charges if victims take their own lives

Coercive control and abuse perpetrators should face legal consequences in line with the suffering they have cause.


Add your name on the Ministry of Justice’s consultation by March 4.


If you or a loved one are affected by domestic violence contact Refuge’s NationalDomestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or visit Refuge.

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