Network Rail opens bidding for £3.5bn Eastern framework

Network Rail opens bidding for £3.5bn Eastern framework

The Eastern Region Partnership will run for five years including two months of mobilisation with the option to extend for a further five years. In total, the work programme could be worth up to £3.5bn.

Works will include a mix of small schemes/reactive works, and alternative options for standalone multi-disciplinary enhancements or major projects.

To cover the spread of work, the framework will be split between generalist lots and specialist lots.

Network Rail is planning a series of ‘hot start’ briefings to help bid teams understand the commercial model and delivery requirements.

Eastern Routes Partnership Framework

Lot 1A Generalist Buildings & Civils (Value: £1.28bn) – 8 firms to bid for 4 places

Lot 1B Specialist Structures (Value: £72m) – 4 firms to bid for 1 place

Lot 1C Specialist Geotechnical (Value: £64m) – 4 firms to bid for 1 place

Lot 2A Generalist Signaling and Telecoms (Value: £852m) – 5 firms to bid for 2 places

Lot 2B Specialist Signaling (Value: £88m) – 4 firms to bid for 1 place

Lot 2C Specialist Telecoms (Value: £70m) – 4 firms to bid for 1 place

Lot 3A Generalist Contact Systems (Value: £362m) – 5 firms to bid

Lot 3B Specialist Contact Systems (Value: £70m) – 4 firms to bid

Lot 4A Generalist Distribution & Plant (Value: £497m) – 5 firms to bid for 2 place

Lot 4B Specialist Distribution & Plant (Value: £88m) – 4 firms to bid for 1 place

As a partnership arrangement between Network Rail and general contractors, specialist may join the partnership if the ERP is extended beyond the initial five years.

The partnership includes a pain-gain incentive mechanism, based on the difference between the annual actual cost and the annual project target cost.

Network Rail is limiting the number of lots one contractor can win to two.

To submit a PQQ and register before 2 June click here.

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