Saudi Students Organize Qur’an Competitions in UK

Saudi Students Organize Qur’an Competitions in UK

To celebrate Ramadan, Saudi student clubs across the UK are hosting a series of Qur’an recitation contests. These competitions, along with other activities, aim to bring Saudi scholarship students in Britain closer together through shared spirits and culture.

Members from all 21 clubs supervised by the Saudi Cultural Bureau are participating in the contests held remotely. The qualifying rounds will send five finalists from each group to the final stage, with the date to be announced soon.

A committee of Quran memorizers and those certified in memorization will evaluate the recitations, focusing on intonation, starting, stopping, and overall performance.

The competitions kicked off last weekend, with separate events for women and children on Saturday and men on Sunday. Organizers hope these contests will inspire a deeper appreciation for the Qur’an among Saudi students studying in the UK, a popular destination for Saudi scholars.

Qur’an Competitions in Ethiopia

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs, represented by the Religious Attaché at the Kingdom’s Embassy in Ethiopia, held a ceremony in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa 5 days ago. The ceremony honored the winners of the first edition of the Women’s Qur’an Competition.

A total of 300 contestants took part in the initial qualifications, competing across 5 levels. Level 1 encompassed 30 parts of the Qur’an, while level 2 comprised 20, level 3 included 15, level 4 featured 10, and level 5 involved 5 parts.

Winners and Prizes

Each level had 3 winning students who received prizes exceeding 25,000 Saudi Riyals. The competition is part of the ministry’s programs executed abroad to cater to and promote the Qur’an.

The ceremony not only marked a celebration of the participants’ achievements but also highlighted the ministry’s dedication to fostering Qur’anic knowledge in Ethiopia. The ministry aims to encourage the memorization of the Qur’an, thereby strengthening religious education and spiritual connection among Muslim communities.

Qur’an Competitions in Nigeria

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah, and Guidance held a Qur’an and Sunnah competition in the Republic of Nigeria last January.

The closing ceremony was held at the official event hall of the state government, attended by various government officials, preachers, and students of knowledge.

This competition saw the participation of 62 contestants, including 34 males and 28 females, representing 33 Islamic schools and institutes from across Kwara State. Moreover, the event was not just a competition but a celebration of Islamic learning and scholarship.

Winners and Prizes

Out of the participants, 18 were declared winners, averaging three winners per level of the competition. Consequently, each winner received valuable monetary prizes along with commemorative awards for the remaining participants.

Moreover, the Qur’an and Sunnah competition, organized by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and the Sunnah Complex for Dawah and Research, marked a significant event in Nigeria. It highlighted the importance of Islamic education and the role it plays in fostering community and understanding.

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