Young Gun of the Enduro World Peetu Juupaluoma, Shreds Nisula Forest Factory!

Nisula Forest Oy has decided to extend its partnership with the young enduro star Peetu Juupaluoma for the 2024 season.

“Tireless support for motivated young athletes has always been a tradition at Nisula Forest, and Peetu Juupaluoma exemplifies this perfectly. We are thrilled to continue our collaboration at Nisula Forest. What adds to the excitement is that Peetu is also our employee. It’s truly exhilarating to witness Peetu’s development and success in the global enduro scene alongside the Nisula team. We wish Peetu all the best for the 2024 season!” said Timo Savornin, Sales and Marketing Director at Nisula Forest

This partnership reflects Nisula Forest’s longstanding tradition of supporting driven young athletes. Peetu Juupaluoma stands out as both an employee of Nisula Forest and a successful figure in the pinnacle of the enduro world. Nisula Forest Oy will continue its support for Peetu’s performance and achievements in the 2024 season.

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